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SINCE 1999, MADE IN ECUADOR » flag of ecuador
by JavieR / February 8, 2010 / 00:13
Thanks to luvtheshows from Peelified.com and Tim from the Futurama-Madhouse.com.ar, you can see a sneak peak of the Futurama 100th episode (6avc12) script cover + some text from a page of that script (click over the previews for bigger images):

Futurama script cover of episode 100th (6acv12 - The Mutants are Revolting) Futurama script page of episode 100th (6acv12 - The Mutants are Revolting)

This episode was written by Mike Rowe. According to the cover, the name of the Futurama episode 100th is "6acv12 - The Mutants are Revolting". I don't know if that's the final name of the episode, probably it is! The inside page has some legible text, according to the fans at PEEL (Svip, Tedward, Frida Waterfall, soylentOrange), could be something like:

Nibbler: Congratulations, Dr. Wong!

- Kif pops open a bottle of champagne, starts to raise it to his lips, then reconsiders and tosses it away. Bender's arm shoots up and catches it, and he begins chugging it. (Cut)? to Nibbler pawing Leela's lap like a kitten. Looking hypnotized once again, she pets him, zombie-like. Nibbler (?)les once and goes to sleep. -

Perhaps Amy finally got her doctorate or something like that with someone in the Wong family... and perhaps something to do with Nibbler (remember, the script is quite unreadable in some parts). You can check more info about it at the Peelified.com entry and also at the Futurama-Madhouse.com.ar
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