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by JavieR / February 10, 2010 / 16:08
Is true, I found another script cover, this time of the episode that apparently is being recorded right now in the Futurama recording studio (thanks to @kitchelfilms). The cover features episode 6acv14, and the name of the episode in the script is "The Silence of the Clamps" (click over the images for a zoom):

Futurama script cover of episode 6acv14 Futurama image detail of episode 6acv14 Futurama script finale of episode 6acvXX

Now, the 2nd image features the same episode but with a different name, "Bend on a Wire". That means that the name of episode 6acv14 could change yet again (although I like The Silence of the Clamps).

Also, in the second image we can see episode 6acv13 that features the Chanukah Zombie, and in a previews news entry, we knew that 6avc13 was an Anthology of Interest episode about the Holidays.. in fact, the name of the episode is "??????? Holidays" according to the image. The episode 6acv14 is written by Eric Rogers and directed by Ray Claffey (thanks Svip), and episode 6acv13 seems to be also directed by Ray Claffey.. also, episode 6acv15 seems to be written by Dan Vebber.

The 3rd Image show us a moment inside Professor Farnsworth + Sweet Clyde's heads when they are calculating something.. enjoy! Oh, is also apparently the end of an episode (it says there 6acvXX) we don't know if is of episode 6acv14 or other...

Does this means that 6acv is the production season code of all the 26 new episodes? If that's the case, when the Season 6 appears in Blu-Ray/DVD it will be a big box with 7-8 discs. I do believe Comedy Central will split the 26 episodes in 2 broadcast seasons.

Just when things settle down, another wave appears.. but in a good way. If you follow @slurmed on twitter, you will be more aware of that, but this news is very neat in my opinion. I say this because there's a lot of images added of the recording session of episode 6acv14. You can also see some at the TFP Facebook page.
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