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SINCE 1999, MADE IN ECUADOR » flag of ecuador
by JavieR / May 25, 2010 / 13:35
Hello people. Is time to feature the latest promo images released by Comedy Central Insider. I'm glad to show you today 2 images from the 3rd Futurama episode of the New Season 6 called "6acv03 - Attack of the Killer App.":

Dismantled Ship. Futurama Season 6, Episode 6acv03 - Attack of the Killing App. Floating screens. Futurama Season 6, Episode 6acv03 - Attack of the Killing App.

In the 1st image shows the Fry, Leela and Bender talking with someone down there, and the rest of people seems to be fixing the PE Spaceship.. but we don't know why the ship was dismantled.

The 2nd image show us the future mobile devices. This time (as it was mentioned in one of the spoilers from season 6) the device is inside the eye, and it seems to show a floating screen with precious content.

This is just a speculation by JavieR: I'm guessing that.. like today, I see people numb by iPhones, BB or other devices, so in the future, we'll see people watching a floating screen instead of the real world.. My guess is that the dependency to those screens made the pe crew crash the spaceship like it was shown in the previous promo image..

Other sketches of this episode where released previously, so if you're curious, check out the source below.

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