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by JavieR / March 28, 2011 / 16:21
26 new Futurama episodes in 2012 and 2013!!The premiere date of Futurama in 2012 is Wednesday, June 20th. Check out the List of Episode dates and more information

It is now official meatbags, Futurama is back with 26 new episodes that will air in 2012 and 2013 (13 each year in the summer). The seasons have been named 7A and 7B, that means that both are part of Production Season 7acv. That's the main info of the Official Announcement made by Comedy central Press today, here you go some of the highlights:

"We're very grateful to COMEDY CENTRAL and Twentieth Television for this show of support," said Matt Groening and David X. Cohen. "Our entire staff will celebrate tonight by going out and getting even drunker."

Hey, they knew I was already drunk too!! Remember: "When you see the robot... Drink!"

"Matt and David created one of the most brilliantly subversive animated comedies ever made in 'Futurama' and we consider its continued life on COMEDY CENTRAL to be a huge victory for this studio," commented TCFTV Chairmen Dana Walden and Gary Newman.

Flexo: Dana and Gary, thanks! You'll not be converted into Torgo's Executive Powder in the near future!! Haha, just kidding, you're ok!

"It is my great honor to be back with all my friends and colleagues," said West. "There's nothing better."John DiMaggio commented, "Winner, winner, chicken dinner!"

Good to hear all the voice cast buddies back again!!

Those 26 episodes have to be made, but no worries, we all can watch new Futurama this summer with the rest of Season 6, also known ass Season 6B, that will premiere this June 23th, 2011 at 10pm/9c only on Comedy Central!

Well, I've to run, but is nice to be around when you've such great news to announce!

Source: Comedy Central Press
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