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SINCE 1999, MADE IN ECUADOR » flag of ecuador
by JavieR / June 14, 2012 / 12:49
San Diego Comic Con SDCC 2012 (Bender's eye)The San Diego Comic Con 2012 is a month away, and the Futurama panel will be there on Saturday, July 14th, 2012. The panel will include:
  • Billy West (Fry, Zoidberg, the Professor, Zapp)
  • Katey Sagal (Leela)
  • John DiMaggio (Bender)
  • Maurice LaMarche (Kif, Calculon, Morbo)
  • Matt Groening (not confirmed but I'm sure will be there)
  • The mandatory nerd.. David X. Cohen (not confirmed but I'm sure will be there)
The awesome news besides that panel are the awards you'll get if you go there as a Futurama character: human, alien or robot!

You can send us a tweet to @slurmed, or reach us at facebook.com/slurmed with your costume ideas if you're going (or not) to the SDCC 2012.

Wooden Bender
Kidrobot Wooden Bender (6 inches tall)

Kidrobot has been very aware of the Futurama merchandise madness, that's why, besides the regular figures, this year they have released (not a SDCC exclusive) large version of wooden Bender, as a big 6 inches vinyl figure, that goes for around $50 (already at a lower price in some sites). This figure is quite stunning IMO!

The Hypnotoad
Kidrobot Hypnotoad (4.5 inches tall) preview - SDCC 2012 Exclusive

The hypnotoad appears as the exclusive SDCC 2012 Kidrobot Futurama figure, but by now, we can only see the silhouette. According to them, is a 4.5 inches vinyl figure and if I'm not mistaken, this is the first Hypnotoad figure that I've seen. The price at the SDCC 2012 will be $40, and they will release it for everyone on August 2th (I believe for a lower price). You can get it at the SDCC 2012 on booth #4529.

About Toynami... no word from them. If they say something, I'l ad it here, but they have many figures that have not been released: Morbo, Lrrr, Donbot, Joey Mousepad, Clamps, Flexo, and even the retail version of Destructor, promised by Toynami since 2011. I really hope the finally release some of the figures listed... The robot mafia is a must have.

Source: Hollywood Reporter, Kidrobot Exclusive figures, Kidrobot Wooden Bender, Spanky Stokes
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