If you want to go elsewhere, there you go a list of the best Futurama Websites alive, and please don forget
to place TFP in your favorites. To go to the website, click on the address or the screenshot of each site.
If you want websites in another language, please use the menu.
Can't Get Enough Futurama
Content: General
Status: Online | Updated
The most complete site about Futurama information is here. Even when is not frequently updated, if
you're looking for fresh Information, this is the spot. Any information and reviews related to each episode or
the DVDs can be found over here. There's also merchandise and some cool multimedia (Wallpapers, videos, 3d and so on.).
Futurama Madhouse
Content: General
Status: Online | Updated
Futurama Madhouse (Formally know as 'TLZ - The Leela Zone') is the oldest living Futurama Website.
The stuff in this site is huge. Fanarts, fanfics, wallpapers, games, multimedia, merchandise, framegrabs,
information and cool original sections. You don't wanna miss this one, trust me!!
P.E.E.L - Planet Express Employee Lounge
Content: Forum
Status: Online | Updated
Since the beginning of the series until today, this is the main Futurama forum for all the fans.
P.E.E.L. has almost all the topics to discuss about Futurama, and also Off. Topic sections if you're
interested. Is always aware of the latest news regarding Futurama.
The Infosphere
Content: Info & Wiki
Status: Online | Updated
The Infosphere is A Futurama Wiki, also named the Futurama memory bank,
where registering, you can contribute adding more Futurama information.
Futurama - Comedy Central
Content: Info
Status: Online | Updated
The Official Comedy Central page of Futurama. Includes videos, info about the show and cast.
There's also a forum of Futurama and the schedule of the Series.
Futurama Fan Forum
Content: Forum
Status: Online | Updated
This is a very new board that has already many threads and posts. You'll find lots of people
here to talk about the series and more. You can also watch some Futurama episodes.
Futurama Express
Content: General
Status: Online | Updated
A new site from the creator of Futurama Online years ago. Features news about the series and also info about the
movies, seasons, places, inhabitants, technology and comics.
Futurama-Rama - No Homers Club
Content: Forum
Status: Online | Updated
Futurama-Rama is a new Futurama sub-board dedicated exclusively to Futurama, inside one of the biggest Simpsons communities, the No Homers Club!
Bender Bending Rodriguez's Page
Content: General
Status: Online | Updated
This bilingual Futurama page, has a lot of information about the series but unfortunaltely for many of
you, only in spanish. In english you'll only find the Alien Alphabets, Mathematics
(a very cool section being translated) and Links to other websites.
I Love Bender - Official FOX Website
Content: Info
Status: Online | Not Updated (after the 4 movies)
The Official Website of the 4 Futurama DVD Movies. It has DVD info, cast & crew,
gallery, downloads and more. The Flash design is simply awesome, featuring Professor Farnsworth's Lab.
Space Station Futurama
Content: General | Games
Status: Online | Non Updated
This is one of the sites that offers unique and cool content relate to Futurama. It has many
interactive sections, like puzzles, flash games and the Millionaire game Futurama style. It also has the
usual multimedia sections and iformation about the series.
One And Only Bender
Content: Characters | Bender
Status: Online | Not Updated
OAOB is one of the sites from the beginning of the Futurama Community. Now back online, it has
info about the series, screengrabs, episode guides and Bender, Bender, Bender!
Zoidberg's Dumpster
Content: General
Status: Offline | Non Updated
A brand new website from the time when the Futurama DVD Movies arrived featuring Doctor John Zoidberg.
YOu'll find info about the Character Bio, Decapod 10, ZOidberg and general fanstuff and the Azk Zoidberg section.
Futurama πk
Content: Info | Mathematics
Status: Online | Not Updated
This site focuses in the Mathematics on Futurama. Givews you a very good explanation about the
jokes and facts of the Mathematics used. There's also a section of Futurama in the Classroom, where the series has
been featured in real mathematic sites or articles.
Content: Info | Comics
Status: Online | Updated
A site dedicated to the Futurama Comics created by Bongo. Has info with the description and credits of each comic, reviews and media about the comics, and also another minor sections.
Ain't No Such Thing As Too Much Amy Wong
Content: Characters | Amy
Status: Offline (Online in a Geociites Archive) | Not Updated
The more complete site about Amy Wing is right there. It has original Amy sections like "What Amy
Wears", "What Amy Says" and the Planet Express Spaceship section featuring all the Ship
Blueprints and other curiosities.
Miss Ampere's Parlour
Content: Robot Porn
Status: Online | Non Updated
Believe it or not, this site features only one thing, robot porn. Yes, many dirty diagrams of your favourite fembot
is available over here. There's also a match quiz where you can be directed to a compatible diagram by taking it.
The Turanga Pages
Content: Adult Content
Status: Online | Updated
I believe, the only Futurama website FOR ADULTS ONLY. Obviously, I can't describe all the stuff you'll
find over there, but I think you got the point of this site.... is content for adults,
but is also a Futurama site (there's no discrimination here)
Paul's Futurama Art Gallery
Content: Scans & Fanart
Status: Online | Not Updated
This is the home of Paul Metcalfe's Art. From the author of Futurama
Scan Art Central, this gallery contains almost all the art that he made while he was
a part of the Futurama Community, including scans and original arts.
A Big Piece Of Garbage
Content: Mercandise & Other Info
Status: Online | Not Updated
This site has a lot of information about the Futurama merchandise, conventions and print media.
Check it out.
This, or any kind of stuff will be accepted, but I'll have to check it out first :).
If you have any question, or if you wanna directly submit your Futurama content, do it to: