Just wondering what to do until 2 a.m. not sleeping and puzzling what to do to fall sleep. Sheep don't work for me,
so I realized that I need vacations. I'll be out of town until this friday, so don't worry if you don't see me alive those
days. Today's update has two artists right to the Fan Art Section. The first one is
Rorro_hell, and his image features Fry as the "Happy Worker".
The second artist is Paul A. Metcalfe and his scans and arts feature the
cute Amy Wong gallery, so you have a lot of Amy to see... a total of 31 images to be exacto. In other news, it seems that
Futurama Madhouse (a.k.a. TLZ) webmasters can't update the site,
but the site is not dead... so, keep an eye or two or how many eyes you can.