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SINCE 1999, MADE IN ECUADOR » flag of ecuador
by JavieR / August 30, 2006 / 19:50
Inded...! I've been kinda away from this website, but that doesn't mean that I'm not working on it right now. In fact, I've been working for about 7 days in the new design, making it more light and updating all the sections that were not using PHP in a big scale. I still have to work on the Futurama Museum (that has many errors since the site was moved to another server), but I'll do that after I officially launch the new design. There are a few details that I've yet to improve, but you'll see the results... soon. I want to say thanks to all the TFP visitors since about 2 days ago the counter passed the 2,000,000 unique hits. I can't leave an update without upload something for you, so today I've added some Pixel Art created by myself, JavieR :P. You'll find about 11 Pixel Arts featuring a botlle of Olde Fortran, The Crushinator, the Planet Express Pixel Crew and the individual version of each character (Amy, Bender, Fry, Hermes, Leela, Nibbler, Professor Farnsworth & Dr. Zoidberg). I made them some time ago but for a reason that I don't remember I didn't upload them sooner over here.
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