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SINCE 1999, MADE IN ECUADOR » flag of ecuador
by JavieR / December 6, 2007 / 16:21
Hello people. Is time to add some new stuff from the Futurama fans around here. I've seen a lot of more activity after the launch of the First Futurama Movie, and now also because of the Next Futurama Movie, The Beast With A Billion Backs. First, I've added two new fanarts by Professor Zoidy. Both the images she has created feature Fry, Leela and Bender, and you'll see one in B&W, and the other is a hand-drawn and hand-painted action scene with the main crew being attacked by spatial tentacles (or something like that :P)... it has also some alien alphabet for you to decode. The second artist, and featured today, is Grahan Dawson, with 4 stunning arts. One features Leela in a cool looking sexy pose (featured today), other features Amy and Leela almost nude featuring Bender's Big Score. A third one is and old one but nicely female version of Fry (a.k.a. Phillipa Fry), and the final and my favorite is the one of Bender in a great angle with the title: Bender's Back Baby!.

In other news, I've added here the Futurama Bender's Big Score Widget:
Is a cool looking Futurama widget (check out the Stuff Tab for more Official Walls and Icons). I suggest you to join the Bender's Big Score Official Web Team, and accomplish the mission to add this widget to your website or suggest it to other websites, and the chance to win a copy of Bender's Big Score. Please hurry up because this and the other contests there end in December 18th, 2007.

As you can see, below each news item, I've added the permalink URL (and also the shorcut to the single news item). You'll also find shorcuts to share the news item to digg, stumble upon, del.icio.us, reddit and furl... so if you wanna share it, just click on your favorite shorcut.
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