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by JavieR / December 9, 2007 / 15:29
Once again I'm around here to give you some nice Futurama stuff for you to enjoy. It seems that the Bender's Big Score fever has dropped a little, but that's no excuse, so if you still don't have the DVD of the movie... go ahead and buy it!. Today I've added some nice fanart created by SonicPanther. I've added nine of her images featuring mainly Fry (as Fry and as Captain Yesterday) and Leela (a oeaki version of her looks really good!). Also an image of Nudar, from the First Futurama Movie.
In other news, a recent interview (december 4th, 2007) with David X Cohen from Travis Fickett of IGN.com has some new info about the future of Futurama... a small quote of the interview over here:

David X Cohen: [...] And my secret hope that I tell every single person, thus becoming less secret by the minute, is they'll call up and say 'Hey, let's do a feature film!' Because not only do we have the example that the fans can bring these shows back as DVD movies and more episodes, but from The Simpsons movie they now see that these animated shows can make a transition to feature film. So I'm hoping they'll combine all the evidence together and bring us back as a feature film.

A Futurama Feature Film would be awesomely neat!. For the full article, go ahead to the ING article: David Cohen on Futurama. BTW, I've added a Contact Form once again... if you wanna write me about something related to Futurama or this website go ahead, and please let me know of something is not working over there.
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