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by JavieR / June 28, 2008 / 12:43
Fry Pope with Yivo by Yume93 (Frygirl) This has been a crazy week, with the 2nd movie out and the lots of reviews. I can say that the movie looks very solid. Some people that liked Bender's Big Score didn't like the Beast with a Billion Backs and vice versa, but also, many people understood that each one is a different movie, connected of course by the anomaly that appeared in space at the end of BBS. In 4 days since the relelase, The Beast with a Billion Backs, is back in the #4 spot in the Bestsellers: Movies & TV at Amazon, so I think that is a very solid movie, and even more for the die-hard fans.

I'm here to letting you know about some new arts (ten in total) created by Yume93 (Frygirl) that feature Fry and Leela, Fry and Bender, Leela, Fry with Yivo + Leela with Yivo (from the BWBB Movie)... and some Fry and Zapp shocking images that she says, is her revenge for creating the L&A Confidential comic. I'l be back really soon, if I find more reviews/ratings about the BWBB movie, I'll upload them to the Futurama Returns! Movies section, so be sure to check it out!
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