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SINCE 1999, MADE IN ECUADOR » flag of ecuador
by JavieR / June 30, 2008 / 18:42
Leela thinking about Sex by Maria M Salazar Is true, tomorrow is the release date of the 2nd Futurama Movie in the UK, as yo can see is already #3 in the DVD Bestsellers at Amazon.co.uk. Let's hope it can reach as many people as in the US, I'll keep an eye in that list to see if can reach the #1 spot.

Well, time for new fanart around here. 1st, from yet another new artist around here, is Maria M Salazar with some nice arts featuring mostly Fry & Leela, but there's also some Kif & Amy shippy moments, so go ahead, and yo ucan also check some other art from here at http://friki-04.deviantART.com. The other artist that has created some new stuff too is Lee Roberts, this time with an image of Dr. Zoidberg in mating season called, Dr. Sexy... so, you can only imagine that or check it out.

There's a interesting interview from UGO with David X. Cohen where they talk about his job as Executive Producer of Futurama, TiVo (LOL), and some of the things he said from the next movie, Bender's Game [spoilers]:
  • [..] Bender's Game, which will be out this fall.
  • (about Ender's Game title) It's mainly just a play on the title - actually, it's entirely a play on the title.
  • It involves Bender playing Dungeons and Dragons, and then his imagination runs amok.
  • There is literally an army of centaurs.
Looking interesting, for the entire enterview please visit the UGO.com article.

Finally, do you remember OAOB - One And Only Bender? I do, but is even better because Juliet decided to reopen it! So, we all can enjoy OAOB once again at:

The website was also added to the TFP links section (check out the old OAOB site over here).
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