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by JavieR / July 3, 2008 / 08:06
The Unnamed Feeling video by Spoon Ok, so I've some new stuff that I want to share with all of you. First, I recently received an email with 2 fanfics by THM. The first one is called, And in This Corner...: A tale of two perspectives, set after 'Time Keeps on Slipping' and the other one Shots Fired: What if Fry hadn't made it in time? What would've happened then? (Set after 'Leela's Homeworld')... both are brand new so you should really check them out right now!!.

The other artist around here is Spoon.. he created some time ago some nice fan videos, but one was missing, so there you go the video called: The Unnamed Felling (song by Metallica) with the background of the episode The Sting.

Finally, a new interview with David X Cohen with Heidi Atwal from ARTISTdirect has these interesting highlights:

"(About Bender's Game) We explain the back story a little bit more of Nibbler and of the Professor and there will be a few explanations of things that happened.

"We've picked four different genres for the four movies. The first one is time travel, the second one [..] is the monster movie, the third one is a fantasy epic [..] and the fourth one is more of a grand straight up science fiction story to end it all, with a battle that's been going on for billions of years with our crew finding themselves caught in the middle of it.

"I'm fairly certain I will evolve into live action at some point, but Matt Groening's shows won't die [laughs]

You check the whole interview cliking here!. Now is time to say good night, and congrats to the LDU (that's for the fans of that team).
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