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SINCE 1999, MADE IN ECUADOR » flag of ecuador
by JavieR / July 27, 2008 / 18:23
San Diego Comic Con 2008 Logo with Bender Yesterday was the Futurama Panel at the San Diego Comic Con, where the fans and the producers and cast talked about the series and the 3rd movie, Bender's Game. According to TV Squad: "due to time limitations the panel when right into to audience questions"[reminded me the Futurama schedule at FOX]. The people of PopWatch from EW (Entretainment Weekly) also has some interesting stuff about the Panel at the Comic Con. The main highlights:
  • The extended version of the Bender's Game movie trailer revealed that "the cost of Dark Matter is about $632.14 a gallon and that Bender's obsession with Dungeons and Dragons drives the crew into his faux-medieval game world"
  • In the 4th movie, Into the Wild Green Yonder, every character of the series (about 300) will appear in the same scene.
  • About the relationship of Leela and Fry, the panel said that it will be revisited in the 4th Movie, and some kissing might happen.
  • About Zoidberg's love life, Groening explained: "According to rules of his crustacean species, if Zoidberg were to have sex, he'd die. What we're saying is: ~Love can kill you. Read comic books~"
  • John DiMaggio sang the San Diego Chargers fight song for a Fan, and then he said, kidding I think (I should study some english again lol), that is: "The WORST theme song in the history of the National Football League"
  • Finally, Matt Gorening said: "We'll see. We certainly want to do more Futurama movies [..] anything we can do, stories, movies. [..] We haven't done all the stories. We still have a few secrets left."
So there you go, Futurama has still a lot more to give, and all of us, the fans, can help those guys to keep up the series. For many more details please visit the TVSquad article and the PopWatch EW article.

Futurama at the San Diego Comic Con 2008

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