I'm back again over here.. I was supposed to update the site today earlier, but I had to go in a hurry
so I'm now updating it very late (23H55 EST) because I should be sleeping. Today I want to share with you
some great Futurama fanart created by MissusPatches. I've added 4 new images by her,
featuring the Robot Devil with Leela from the final episode of the series 'The Beast with a Billion Backs',
The Robot Devil with Bender in an awkward closet situation, another one where Beelzebot ask Bender if he's
ready to pay for his sins, and the last one, my favorite and featured today, a close up of the Robot Devil
talking with Bender.. as you will see, there's a lot of Futurama Hell on this images, be sure not to miss them.
In other news, I just wanna say thanks a lot to Alex for the movie..