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SINCE 1999, MADE IN ECUADOR » flag of ecuador
by JavieR / December 5, 2008 / 22:57
Into the Wild Green Yonder Review at ScreenJabber Ok, is true, there's a very early review of the 4th Futurama Movie, Into the Wild Green Yonder. The people from ScreenJabber.com emailed all the Futurama websites to spread the news, so here we go with the resume of the movie, (small spoliers warning):

We begin on Mars, which is where much of the first act takes place. Property developer Leo Wong (Amy's dad) wants to demolish an entire arm of the Milky Way galaxy to make way for the biggest miniature-golf course in the universe [..] An accident during some demolition work on Mars [..] sees Fry develop mindreading abilities when a piece of women's jewellry gets lodged in his brain. Which leads to him wearing a tinfoil hat to keep the voices out, and joining the super-secret Legion of Mad Fellows (led by "Number 9 Man" [..]). Meanwhile, Bender starts having an affair with the burlesque-dancer wife of Donbot, head of the robot Mafia (and yes, Clamps is back!) and Leela joins an eco-feminist collective and becomes an outlaw. Oh, and Professor Farnsworth is the scientist roped in to do the environmental impact report for Wong's planned mini-golf course .. which gets the go-ahead. The final piece of the galaxy in his way is a violet dwarf star, which plays a vital part in the climax, so I won't go into details. Except to say that once again, the fate of the universe depends on Fry

Interesting right... It seems that the last DVD will be great, since ScreenJabber gave the movie 5/5 stars. For more details about the extras and more info about this awesome review, please visit the original ScreenJabber article.

In some other news, Bender's Game DVD at Amazon is now only at $13,99.. so you should grab your copy for Christmas if you don't have it already.
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