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by JavieR / June 9, 2009 / 16:54
Futurama - We're back baby! (on Comedy Central, 2010)

Ok, this is the mother of all the Futurama news, Futurama is back again (like the 2nd coming of Jesus!). Finally the Official Press Release we were waiting for was posted today at the Comedy Central Press.

Not only Futurama Returns on Comedy Central, but it returns with 26, yes 26 brand new episodes that will be available in the mid 2010 (and FOX retains the option to license the original runs of the new episodes to a broadcast network)

The move comes on the heels of the series' blockbuster performance on DVD and on COMEDY CENTRAL; the announcement was made today by Twentieth Century Fox Television Chairmen Gary Newman and Dana Walden, and David Bernath, senior vice president, programming for COMEDY CENTRAL.

So, thanks a lot Gary, Dana and David!

Quipped Matt Groening, "We're thrilled 'Futurama' is coming back. We now have only 25,766 episodes to make before we catch up with Bender and Fry in the year 3000." Added David X. Cohen, "We're excited and amazed that the show is coming back, perhaps due to some sort of mysterious time loop. We look forward to working with COMEDY CENTRAL and 20th Television to make this the best iteration of the loop yet!"

Matt Groening and David X Cohen look really excited about this, like all the Futurama fans all over the world!. So, like Bender said once: "We're back baby!" I can say: "We're back again, meatbags!"

Please take a look to the Official Announcement in Comedy Central Press.
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