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by JavieR / July 29, 2009 / 23:46
Planet Express Ship real cake by MissusPatchesHi. I'll try to add a fast update, but is difficult because there's a lot of nice stuff for today. I'm gonna start with a new fanart by MissusPatches featuring the Robot Devil with her neat coloring, but this time the sketch was made by her friend Sof-Sof. I've also added a new photo in the Photorama section of TFP (Yes, you can send your Futurama related photos over here!) The photo, also by MissusPatches, is a Planet Express Spaceship real cake that was inspired by one of the drawings she made as a birthday present to Sof-Sof, and I said to her (at dA) that she should do a real cake, so there you go!

Leela kicks Bender's Head by FuturamaFreak1I've also added a some new neat fanart by FuturamaFreak1, 11 fanarts, this time 3 featuring Leela and her addiction to electricity since she used that shock collar in the "Bender's Game" DVD movie, a Birthday present for Oxy, Leela and Fry eating Charleston Chew, a surpresive Leela over Fry, Leela in a test comic, a cooperation one (from IWGY) Fry and Leela in a laser fight, Matt Groening hitting the Reset Button in Fry & Leela's Relationship and finally, my favorite and featured today, Leela kicking Benders Head! Enjoy!
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