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SINCE 1999, MADE IN ECUADOR » flag of ecuador
by JavieR / August 23, 2009 / 23:03
Captain Fry (Ahoy Wiggles!) by amanda-jHi again. I'm back from a nice weekend, It was my birthday, so I had a clool time. Wwll, what's new for today.. I'm gonna start with some images created by amanda-j, 7 new images to be exact. The fanarts feature the Gold Bender from Universe A (The Farnsworth Parabox), 2 images of the deaf Leela (The Devil's Hand are idle Playthings), Fry and Leela in bed, Nibbler, and 2 images of Captain Fry.. one is a full body image, the other is a neat closeup (featured) that you've to see.

The New Justice team by kik0thek1llerThe other artist here today is a great one too, I'm talking about kik0thek1ller and 2 of her neat fanarts. One of the images features Amy Wong partyboarding with her rocket board in a neat style and soft lines (and I like this one a lot, being an Amyholic). The other is very good fanart, The New Justice Team with Fry, Leela and Bender as Captain Yesterday, Clobberella and Super King in neat action poses (also featured today!), specially Clobberella kicking some ass, but you've too see the whole image to check out the details, I assure you'll not be disappointed!
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