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SINCE 1999, MADE IN ECUADOR » flag of ecuador
by JavieR / October 17, 2009 / 23:58
After another period without news, I'm back. Hopefully this is my last time dealing with the problems I had with spam over here. I've some interesting stuff for you today, starting with a brand new fanfic by a new person around here, she is Michelle Knight. The fanfic is called "The Creation of Robo-Christmas" and is about how the Robot Santa was created and of course Xmas as is known in the year 3000... so go ahead an take a read!

Pumpkin carving Bender by Aaron ChanceyThe other new stuff here today is in the Photorama section. Another new person over here, his name is Aaron Chancey, and I've added 3 nice photos from him. The first one is a Bender tattoo that only a truly diehard Futurama fan has, and the other 2 feature a pumpkin carving Bender, something neat for this Halloween time so near. In fact, there's gonna be a Halloween feature over here in October 31, so if you have any kind of Halloween/Futurama stuff, just submit it and it will be added that day for all of us to enjoy!
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