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SINCE 1999, MADE IN ECUADOR » flag of ecuador
by JavieR / November 8, 2009 / 18:54
Hi everyone. First, thanks to Esther for noticing that some of the downloads were not working, now the problem is solved. I've some nice fan stuff today, and I'm gonna start with a new image by amanda-j featuring Fry, Leela, Bender and the Professor in a popart image.

Leela vs. Kiff in 35mm by mr35mmThe other artist here today is mr35mm, known for his Futurama animation shorts, is around here with 5 images. 4 of them are series of stills used in his last animation, The Brannigan Touch. One featuring leela punching Zapp, other of Leela slaping Kif, and the other shows Zapp showing his hidden arm. The 4th one is from the begining of that animation with the Nimbus and the Planet Express starship, and the last one is a walking Leela fanart.

I've also added a photo that is funny. The photo was taken by Tyler Fuqua and features the Box of the Toynami Professor Farnsworth action figure, but strangely, he received the figure packaged backwards, and like Tyler said: "It was so Professor Farnsworth"... it looks like he is saying: "Oh Whaa..?". So go ahead and check it out!
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