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by JavieR / November 26, 2009 / 23:23
Well, time for a new update around here. I've been dealing with a IE6 bug (since some people keep using that crapy browser) thanks to a Windows XP update. Well, today I've 2 new images by ProfessorZoidy, that has reapeared over TFP . The images feature 2 minor regular characters, Zapp Brannigan and Hermes Conrad, both hand colored and looking nice.

Robot Devil playing a solid gold fiddle by MissusPatchesThe other artist around here today is also back! I'm talking about the great MissusPatches with a new Robot Devil image she made for her Journal CSS at deviantART. The fanart, featured today, has the amazing coloring that she does, and it shows the passion of the Robot Devil palying with the solid gold fiddle, once featured in the episode "1acv09 - Hell is other Robots" (remember? The one Leela is holding in her hand while Bender is trying to scape from robot hell with her and Fry)

Not a lot of news about Futurama Season 6 (sometimes named Season 7), although I've read on twitter@slurmed that the next Futurama table read will be this coming Monday (November 30th)... from which episode, no idea...
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