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SINCE 1999, MADE IN ECUADOR » flag of ecuador
by JavieR / December 10, 2009 / 19:33
Hello once again. I've been lazy, that's why the site has not been updated. Right now, checking the list of fan stuff that I've to add, I'm gonna start with some nice fanfics. 2 new fanfics created by DSS, this time with the main theme: Shippy. The 1st one is called A Shy Fry - Leela now has a full interest in Fry, but Fry all of the sudden feels shy when Leela is around. What could Leela do about this? and the second one is called Pool Party Shock - Planet Express is having their first Pool Party. Everyone is excited, especially Fry and Leela. But the both of them will soon find themselves in an embarrassing situation that they hope no one will see!. BTW, both stories are actually related. They're the first 2 parts of a 4-parter Fry/Leela Shippy Story.

Futurama as Team Fortress 2 by kik0thek1llerThe other artist today is here with Futurama fanart! She is kik0thek1ller and I've a neat fanart that someone has already seen around the twittersphere. As you can see the image featured today has the Futurama main characters mixed with Team Fortress 2. You'll see some nice versions of the characters, I like how Kif was drawn on this fanart! Enjoy.
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