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by JavieR / January 19, 2010 / 12:39
Bender + Fry: Friday Nights (Watching TV) by MissusPatchesHi there. I've been lazy.. but not today, that's why I've some neat fanart for you to enjoy! First, say hi once again to the clool MissusPatches and her 2 new fanarts, both with Bender and Fry. The first image features them cooking (a cake I believe), and the other features both of them watching TV (but Fry is already sleeping). The latest image has a nice touch about how Bender is really a good friend with Fry.

The other artist here is Sof-Sof (aka Frygirl), this time with 5 of her images. As usual, 2 of them feature those weird situations between Zapp and Fry, the other 3 feature Leela, The Human Robot Devil with Leela and a handsome/hilarious Zapp (based in the handsome Squidward from a SpongeBob SquarePants episode).

I believe that's all for today, but don't forget to come back!
I forgot to add that today, January 19, is the Birthday of Katey Sagal (the Voice of Leela). I really wish she has a great day and to continue her awesome work in Futurama. You can send your birthday wishes in her Twitter account: @KateySagal
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