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by JavieR / February 24, 2010 / 09:34
Planet Express Starship by MrRonsfieldWell, another day people. Is time for some new fan stuff over here at TFP from two Misters. I'm glad to add these two 3D renders created by MrRonsfield. One of the images features a clasic view of the Planet Express building, and the other, a clool image of the Planet Express starship in space. Both 3D arts are nicely done, so please take a look!

Bneder: Bite my Shiny Metal Ass by mr35mmThe other Mister of the day is mr35mm, that created a neat Bender image a few days ago that as usual, I forgot to add earlier (Sorry). As you can see in the preview, you'll find Bender with his bottle of beer and his badass attitude saying to you: "Bite my Shinny Metal Ass!". Of course, you can only imagine that if you read this, but you can also click over the image and see the entire image...

That's all for now. I've seen many people joining the TFP Facebook page, what are you waiting for. If you're not a Facebook user but a Twitter one, you can then Follow @slurmed :)
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