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by JavieR / May 23, 2010 / 00:20
Gulliver's Parabox comic cover by Gulliver63This has been a week of sketches from the people of Comedy Central Insider in the Countdown to Futurama articles. Since you've only seen sketches from them, I've some finished arts from the fans for all of you to enjoy!. Let's start with Gulliver63 and 14 new fanarts. He tries to put the Planet Express Futurama crew in lot of different wild/fun/weird situations: The cover of his project, the parabox comic with Leela and AMy as giants, Leela form many different parabox universes, Amy and Kif with their kids, many parabox versions of Fry, A fun image of Robot Leela as the Terminator of Zapp Brannigan, a Leela Pin-up for Kaspired, scorpion Leela, a fun one of Futurama as the Survivor TV Show, A nice evil Amy with an Electric Guitar and some others.

Rush Moon (Fry and Leela) fanfic promo by archonixI've also added fanart from other different artists, like the great promo image by Graham Dawson (aka archonix) featuring Leela and Fry in new fanfic called "Rush Moon" (and 2 other images that I dunno why I didn't upload ). Other artist here today is Vickram101 and his full version of Himself and Fry. The last image today was created by TheFightingMongooses and features Bender Disco Dancing!

Now I've to go, I'm very tired from a football (soccer) game this afternoon.. enjoy!
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