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by JavieR / May 30, 2010 / 13:07
New Futurama Season 6 info at tv.msn.comWelcome back people. I'm here because Svip from The Infosphere found some interesting new info. According to tv.msn.com, we have now possible air dates (note the word possible, it means that that info can change) of the first 6+1 episodes, including the plots of 6 of them (confirming the plots of 2 episodes). They also mention a brand new episode:

6acv02 - In-A-Gadda-Da-Leela
[Jun 24th, 2010] - Leela and Zapp Brannigan find themselves stranded on an Eden-like planet.

6acv03 - Attack of the Killer App.
[Jul 1th, 2010] - Fry posts an embarrassing video of Leela online.

6acv04 - Proposition Infinity
[Jul 8th, 2010] - Bender leads a campaign to legalize robosexual marriage between humans and robots.

6acv05 - The Duh-Vinci Code
[Jul 15th, 2010] - The crew races to future Rome to unearth the shocking secret of Leonardo da Vinci.

6acv06 - Lethal Inspection

[Jul 22th 15th, 2010] - Bender learns that he suffers from a mortal manufacturing defect.

6acv07 - The Late Philip J. Fry
[Jul 29th, 2010] - The Professor invents a one-way time machine.

We know "6acv01 - Rebirth" is the 1st episode, and is named as "Untitled". We know the two first episodes will air on June 24th. According to msn, we'll see the last DVD Movie "Into the Wild Green Yonder" first.

As you can see, the plots of "6acv04 - Proposition Infinity" and "6acv07 - The Late Philip J. Fry" that were mentioned before, are now more official (if msn is 100% right).

The episode "6acv06 - Lethal Inspection" is a new one we didn't know earlier, and the air date said July 15th, but i think is a mistake and it could air on July 22th. According to some fans, it could be the new title of the episode "Inspector #5" mentioned in the past.

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