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by JavieR / June 22, 2010 / 12:50
Amy in Crocs by Gulliver63Hi everyone. Is time for some nice fan stuff, starting with a new fanfic by Gulliver63 called Gulliver's Parabox Too, that is the secuel of his previous story, the Gulliver's Parabox. That's not all for tday, because I've also uploaded 12 new fanarts by Gulliver63, featuring 4 parodies from different movies, some nice images of Leela, specially the one were she is laughing. 2 images of Amy, one with sandals, the other with crocs, a image of Human Bender with the robot versions of Amy and Leela, an interesting image of Leela in the world of Amy. Finally, an image that feature Futurama characters in the Simpsons, and other that is about the Simpsons characters in Futurama.

About the Futurama Season 6 news, you can watch a Q&A with Matt Groening and David X Cohen at Comedy Central, that is very short but kinda fun, however, many good questions that the fans left didn't appear. YOu can also see a lot of preview images and sketches at the Countdown to Futurama! (if you follow slurmed on twitter or facebook, you already know all this)

I've read 3 reviews about the 1st episode of season 6, "6acv01 - Rebirth" that say that the new episodes are not yet up to the classic Futurama, but I think those are more opinions than real reviews. Other opinions of people on twitter that saw the 1st episode, are very positive, but you'll have to see for yourself this Thursday, June 24th, 2010 @ 10pm/9c on Comedy Central.
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