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by JavieR / July 4, 2010 / 01:24
Hi. I know I'm kinda late, but I really enjoyed the 3rd Futurama episode of Season 6, "6acv03 - Attack of the Killer App." because it has clever jokes about Twitter and the iPhone (like a fan said, it puts both in an interesting perspective), and because it felt stronger than the previous 2 episodes somehow (i dunno, somehow i think this episode still feels a little crowded, but getting better). If you want to see clips from that episode go to the Comedy Central: Futurama videos page.

I'm here today to give you some new fan stuff, featuring the return of the series. First, I'm gonna start with this amazing new Wallpaper by Bman2006 featuring the Robot Devil. Another great 3D image that he created because the series are back!

Realistic 3D Robot Devil wallpaper by Bman2006

This image has amazing details, like the previous render of Bender he made, this is a very realistic take, specially with the eyes, horns, other little details and specially the stuff added to the original, including a great looking pentagram over the robot chassis and the speaker inside his mouth. I've added this one in the more common resolutions: Full HD 16:9 (1920x1080 px), Fullscreen (1600x1200) and Widescreen 16:10 (1920x1200). Enjoy!

Source: Bman2006 on deviantART
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