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SINCE 1999, MADE IN ECUADOR » flag of ecuador
by JavieR / July 11, 2010 / 13:28
Futurama Pop Up art (Closeup) by KaspiredI'm here with a casual TFP update why not, is time to show you what the fans are creating now that Futurama is back on track. The first artist around here again is Kaspired (Mike Jessen) with some interesting fanart featuring Amy as a Terminatress (inspired by episode "6acv01 - Rebirth") , Bender disguised as a Fembot from the last DVD movie, Into the Wild Green Yonder and finaly.. the main crew figures for a pop-up art (that I'll explain that later). Now as you can see in the thumb, that's Pop Up art made by Kaspired and addded to Kaspired's Photorama page, it features the PE crew drawn before but with a nice background.. made because of the series return!

Roberto threatenig Fry by Misty WatersThere's also a new fan artist today, she is Misty (Waters) and I've added 8 of her fanarts. You'll find many different situations like a sketch of Fry and Bender watching Leela with a random guy, Zapp, Roberto threatening Fry, Leela and Fry in a romantic scene... but she's also fan of Yaoi, so don't be surprised with fanarts couples like Fry and Zapp, Fry and Zoidberg or Bender and Fry (talking about Robosexual stuff in the lest Futurama episode).

Enjoy! I'm off to watch the World Cup final.
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