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SINCE 1999, MADE IN ECUADOR » flag of ecuador
by JavieR / July 29, 2010 / 09:54
Hi people, time for some neat Futurama Fanart, and getting ready for the All New Futurama episode "6acv07 - The late Philip J. Fry" tonight at 10pm/9c on Comedy Central.

Toy-Story-a-rama by Gulliver63I've to start our ride with some great images by Gulliver63. As usual, he has created interesting parodies, like Bender being captured by characters of Futurama, The Simpsons, Family Guy and Scooby Doo, Bander and Leela riding a motorbike, Amy as a klingon scaring Kif, the Futurama crew as Amish people, and the one featured today, ToyStory-a-rama that is a nice parody. There's also Amy in different outfits, some images of the universe of Gulliver's Parabox, and one image of Leela on Amy's world.. making a total of 12 images.

Where no Fan has gone before Planet Express Starship by MrRonsfieldThe other artist today is MrRonsfield with four nice 3D renders. 2 of the images feature the Planet Express building in 2 different angles, one 3D/2D of the Planet Express Starship (like the style the use in the real series) and finally, a 3D of the Planet Express Starship with the engines of the Enterprise from episode "04acv11 - Where no fan has gone before".
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