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by JavieR / August 13, 2010 / 23:44
It is Forbidden (Leela as Eve) by TheFightingMongoosesHi again. I'm sorry for not updating the site in a while, but I've been trying to figure out something serious about my future (and I don't have a time machine). So, today I've some great stuff to show you, and I'll like to start with some neat fanart created by TheFightingMongooses from the new Futurama Season.You'll find images featuring Baby Bender from "Lethal Inspection", the poster of All Employezz must haz Cat to Enter from "That Darn Catz!", a great version of Amy out of the Birthing Machine and the Fry portrait that he tries to give leela.. both from "Rebirth", The Hypnotoad, Fry kinda.. nude giving a cake to Leela, and finally, the image of Leela as Eve from episode "In-A-Gadda-Da-Leela". You have to check them out, you'll not be dissapointed!!

Finally today, I added the latest fanfic by Gulliver63 called Gulliver's Parabox III: The Final Jump. It features of course another Parabox universe, where the Professor sells Planet Express to a multi-planet corporation called Dexoso with devastating consequences... and the rest, well, you've to read it and find out.

Accidental Leela Pin-up by Misty WatersI've also added 9 new images created by Misty Waters. She is a big fan of That Guy (Steve Castle) from "Futurestock", so you'll find 4 images with him and Fry (and perhaps Bender). There's also a colored version of Fry and Leela, a funny one of Leela as a man and Fry as a woman, one a hug between Kif and Zapp (hopefully nothing else is happening there) and the final one, an accidental Leela Pin-up.

Finally, I want to share my deep condolences to the Family and Friends of Alex Johns, co-producer of Futurama from seasons 1 to 4. He died on August 7th, 2010 at the age of 43.

Source: The Washington Post
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