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by JavieR / August 31, 2010 / 11:34
Futurama 100th episode: The Mutants are RevoltingFull Episode names of the new Futurama season 7 (Season 6av part 2) that will air in 2011

Hi everyone. There you go the names of some future Futurama episodes, including the Special Xmas episode that will air this December, 2010 on Comedy Central:

[Updated on September 5th, 2010]
  • Law & Oracle: Interesting mix
  • Mobius Dick: Perhaps losely based on the "Moby Dick" novel by Herman Melville
  • Neutopia: Sounds like brains to me!
  • 6acv13 - Holiday Val-U-Pak: Featuring 3 stories from Xmas, Robanukah and Kwanzaa.. with special guests Al Gore and Coolio!
  • 6acv14 - The Silence of the Clamps: Episode about the Robot Mafia that was found earlier.
  • Ghost in the Machines: Perhaps based in the British philosopher Gilbert Ryle's derogatory description of René Descartes' mind-body dualism "Ghost in the machine"
  • Nine-Tenths of a Zoidberg is Underwater: This could be the episode where we find out the past of Dr. Zoidberg and his relation with the Professor.
  • 6acv23 - All the Presidents' Heads: I would say this is the head licking episode.
  • 6acv24 - Cold Warriors: Also mentioned before.
Don't forget to Watch the Season 6 final episode "6acv12 - The Mutants are Revolting" this Thursday at 10pm/9c on Comedy Central!

Source: Public Catalog (US Copyright Office), PEEL
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