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by JavieR / September 8, 2010 / 16:18
Hello. This was a great season in my opinion, some awesome episodes, and some kinda regular ones, the rest are fairly good. I know some people didn't like this season, but well.. not my problem.

Gesture (Leela) by Kaspired (Mike Jessen)While we wait for the new Xmas Special episode "6acv13 - Holiday Val-U-Pak", is time for some new fanart, and I'm going to start with a good friend Kaspired (Mike Jessen) and 9 new arts he created featuring many interesting situations. First, some parodies.. featuring the Professor and the PE crew as Gru and the Minions, Zaphenhotep the IV, Leela vs. Leia. You'll also find an image of Bender and Jackotron, Grrrl (from the Season 6 finale), a beauty pageant contest, the Robot Fry from "6acv01 - Rebirth", a sexy pink Amy from "Rebirth" and finally, the one featured today, Gesture (Leela) in a sexy pose.

I've also added 2 photos by Kaspired. Both from his awesome bike.. a De Rosa Merak. Sadly, the paint was damaged, luckily, he decided to repaint it, and what better paint than a tribute to Futurama, adding the brand De Rosa both in the Futurama Bold font and in Alien Alphabet 2 (+ a tiny Planet Express Starship!).

Steve Castle (That Guy) by Misty WatersI would like to end this update with some nice fanart by Misty Waters, and I've added 6 of her fanarts featuring Steve Castle (That Guy), Fry and Bender, Fry in a classic James Dean pose, Bender with Fry and Leela from "Hell is other Robots" and some interesting doodles!
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