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SINCE 1999, MADE IN ECUADOR » flag of ecuador
by JavieR / December 20, 2010 / 00:33
True! I've not been around in about 1 week and a half, and that is not acceptable. That's why today I added a mega update of Futurama fanart, for all of you to enjoy.

Stranded (leea + Fry + Bender) by KaspiredI would lie to start with a good friend that has created 6 fanart images.. I'm talking about Kaspired. The fanart features many situations, like Leela posing with 8 different science fiction spaceships, Sharaku Amy (inspired by the style of Tōshūsai Sharaku), Leela wearing only whipped cream.. a sexy Xmas present featuring LaBarbara Conrad, The Hypnoclaus (Hypnotoad + Santa Claus) featured in an Advent Calendar and finally, Leela, Fry and Bender camping after Fry destroyed their truck.. this one is one of my favorites in all aspects, so please check it out!

Amy (in bikini) for DMajorBoss by kik0thek1llerThe Next artist featured today is back with only one Futurama fanart, but is a great one. The artist is kik0thek1ller and I've added a very sexy full body pose of Amy wearing a bikini, that was a birthday present to a fella in DeviantArt called DMajorBoss, but I'm sure this image is a very neat present for all of us (specially the Amyholics!).

I want to finish this update with a Fan Comic created by the neat Gulliver63. This 1 page comic is called The Scary Door, and features Amy, Zoidberg and.. Corn haha. Is like an unusual story from The Scary Door, only that this one features some of the Futurama characters.

I was going to add more fanart, but is kinda late and I really need to sleep. Have fun!
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