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SINCE 1999, MADE IN ECUADOR » flag of ecuador
by JavieR / December 25, 2010 / 15:15
Hi. I'm a little late with the Xmas update, but trust me, I've been busy. Today is time for a Xmas present, hopping you can enjoy the Futurama Xmas, and that's why today is an all Xmas Futurama fanart!!

Stocking Stuffers Xmas by Gulliver63I wanna start with a great artist that made some great Xmas fanart these past days, I'm talking about Gulliver63, that created 6 images, four of them featuring a Futurama Calendar Advent that has some interesting characters: the Australian Man, Petunia, Michelle, and Dr. John Zoidberg.. each one is very funny! You'll see also 2 Xmas images made, the first one features the Plant Express crew being captured by some giant aliens, and they are now a Xmas decoration.. the other one is clever and has all the Planet Express employees socks with presents (that is kinda odd coming from Robot Santa).

Another Xmas Artist today is vickram101. He has created a nice red and green Xmas card featuring Leela and Fry. sof-sof has also created 1 Xmas fanart, but this one featured Fry holding a Christmas present.

Advent Calendar - 25th - Zoidberg Jesus by KaspiredThe last artist of this Xmas is Kaspired, also with 3 Calendar Advent images, like the ones from Gulliver63 (they both worked together to create these series). You'll find Leela and Amy dressed as cans of peanuts dancing, Robot Santa and his classic machine gun and also, another classic of the show, Zoidberg Jesus for de date of December 25th.

I hope you all had a Clool Red Xmas!
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