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by JavieR / January 16, 2011 / 21:31
Hi again. Time flies when you're busy. This has been a hell of a week, I had to stay working late, doing many things at the same time, and tomorrow I've to be sure everything runs smoothly in my work. Other than that, today I've some time to ad some nice Futurama fan stuff to TFP!

Dr. Widnar by KaspiredFirst, here you go 8 new fanarts created by a good friend, Kaspired. Between the images you'll find one of 2 hot mutans from Brown University at the NNYC sewers, a Lego version of Fry and Leela (very awesome), 3 colab images featuring Nibbler, nutcracker Bender, and the Time Machine (from the episode "The late Philip J. Fry"). 2 tall women, LaBarbara Conrad in a great pose and Morgan Proctor as a Bee queen. Finally, featured today, Dr. Widnar from the episode "A Clockwork Origin".

90 Foot Bureaucrat poster by Gulliver63The other artist from today is also a good friend, he calls himself Gulliver63 (haha). I'm glad to add a stunning number: 17 new images he created, featuring many many different situations. As you know, he is used to create crossovers with movies, arts and novels, like The Odyssey (Leela is the inspiration of the cyclops), Welcome to the Village, The "Krokers" Wedding, Sports Universe magazine, Manga-rama, and the 90 Foot Bureaucrat (featured today).

2 Happy New Year 2011 images (one featuring Zapp) that I forgot to upload earlier (sorry). Also, a couple of "put your head on my shoulder" images with couples like Amy and Leela, and well, the other is a character from SuperPrincessPink.. the double-Fry!

There's an original character called Turanga Sara (daughter of Fry and Leela), Teenager Leela, and Mom as an Amazoinan. The last 3 ones from Gulliver62 are the "Zapp Daddy" series, where we can see Zapp Jr. in a couple of the images (in one, he is bulling Kif Jr.) and one of the daughter from Zapp and Morgan Proctor.

I guess that's all for today, I've get up early tomorrow, so... good night! (if it applies to your current time)
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