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by JavieR / February 2, 2011 / 22:31
More Futurama in 2012?Some important news, still a rumor, but apparently Futurama could be renewed for a New Season in 2012, that means new episodes besides the 13 left that will air in 2011.

This information came from Vulture (nymag.com). They talked with Katey Sagal (voice of Leela) on the red carpet at the DGA Awards and apparently she kinda mentioned that "Futurama just got ordered again for another season" and she added "I don't know if I'm supposed to say that yet. But it just did".

According to some sources from Vulture, 20th Century Fox TV could be talking with the voice cast to keep them compromised for more Futurama in 2012, and Comedy Central apparently is also interested in new episodes. All this information is not an official negotiation yet, but if they want new episodes for Fall or Summer of 2012, they have to close a deal in a few months in order to have time to create new episodes.

Now, I really have a good feeling about this, but I need some more official sources. If the deal is made, Comedy Central will have to announce it in a few months at max. In the meantime I'm going to find out if someone from the Voice Cast or the Writers have any information that can corroborate this.

Source: Volture
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