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SINCE 1999, MADE IN ECUADOR » flag of ecuador
by JavieR / March 8, 2011 / 00:40
Video: "Evil Past" by pabloHello people. I'm back from a carnival vacations in my country, but I'm back. I would like to start with a video that I received some time ago, and that I mentioned at @slurmed. This is a neat video called "Evil Past" created by pablo, that features a mix of Futurama and The Simpsons, a teaser.. parody of the Evil Dead trilogy (with the zombie theme). This is something that hasn't been done in the series, is really well done and has nice music and adaptations that you don't wanna miss. I really like the final result, so be sure to check it out!

Boom (Malfunctioning Eddie + Chicken Lawyer) by MissusPatchesThe fanart of the day is here thanks to these 2 artists! The first one is MissusPatches that is back with 2 great images featuring a crush of 2 Amazonians for Kif from one of the best episodes in the series haha. The other image features Malfunctioning Eddie exploding near to the Chicken Lawyer, 2 images that have great quality and coloring that you don't wanna miss.

The final artist of the days is SuperPrincessPink, with her latest 5 images featuring 2 images of the double Fry, one Happy Valentine's Day fanart with Fry and Leela, Fry with Mother Nature, and one crazy crossover with many other characters from other series.
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