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SINCE 1999, MADE IN ECUADOR » flag of ecuador
by JavieR / March 15, 2011 / 00:33
(Leela) Returning the DVD by TheFightingMongooses (Sketch by Kaspired)Hello again. I'm glad to present more new fanart for this night (or day in other places). I would like to start with TheFightingMongooses, and his 10 new images, featuring amazing fanarts of great quality, like Leela in the Garden of Eden, squishy gren bad boy Kif with his motorcycle, Amy hot for teacher, Fry with a sexy classy naked statue, Leela from the cover of Te Beast with a Billion Backs, Leela and Fry dinning, 2 crossovers of the Simpsons and Futurama from the crossover comic, Princess Leela (crossover with Leia from Star Wars) and finally, his version of a sketch originally made by Kaspired with Leela in the snow running away from someone.. or something.

The Persistence of Zoidberg (tribute to Salvador dalhi) by Gulliver63The other artist of the day is Gulliver63, and he has created a lot of nice images, 18 to be specific.. and as usual, covering a wild range of situations and crossovers. You'll find one of "The Proposal" with Leela and Zapp, other of Umbriel vs. Futurama, Proctor as the Red Queen from Alice in Wonderland, even Charlie Sheen as a tiger (a product of Professor farnsworth of course). There are also normal situations like Leela doing her laundry, Amy taking a bath with a rubber duck, and two Airborne Amy images. He also made his version of the sketch by Kaspired, but changing the situation and Leela is fighting back some tentacles! There are more, but the one featured here shows Dr. Zoidberg's tribute to Salvador Dalhi!
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