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SINCE 1999, MADE IN ECUADOR » flag of ecuador
by JavieR / March 28, 2011 / 00:55
And the Ship set sail (Fry & Leela) wallpaper by TheFightingMongoosesWell, I returned to the city this friday, that's why you didn't see updates the pas week. I'm here today to give you a dose of Futurama fan stuff, starting with a brand new Futurama wallpaper created by TheFightingMongooses. This background features Fry and Leela in a romantic dinner; The image has a nice texture and the lines of the image are not black, so it looks better than the usual Futurama fanart in my opinion.

Tomorrow I will become better (Fry & Leela) by MissFuturamaThe other artist of the day is a new one. Please, a big welcome to MissFuturama and 7 of her Futurama images featuring some very good scenes, like Fry on Leela's eye (after a fight between them), Fry and Leela epic shippy scene, Amy in a creepy swan, Leela on the shower, Amy fixing some engineering stuff, a paralel universe Leela and a war scene sketch. I really recommend her art because she has a very peculiar style that looks great with the Futurama characters.

I'll be adding some wallpapers from her in the near future, be sure to come back!
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