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by JavieR / April 18, 2011 / 00:03
m-e-l-t-d-o-w-n (Fry and a Girl) by Sof-SofHello folks. I'm back again to give you some more Futurama fanart. I would like to start with 5 images created by Sof-Sof that feature Fry in most of the pics. There's a portrait of Fry, 2 weird pics of Fry and Zapp, Fry with a girl (not Leela haha) and one last just added that features Fry carrying Bender's head (I presume from the episode "Rosswell that ends Well").

Amy Wrong by KaspiredAnother artist tonight is the well known Kaspired, and I'm glad to add his latest images, starting with a pic of the crew (Bender, Leela, Amy and Fry) stuck in the snow, an "African carving fang" crossover with LaBabara Conrad, Leela with Amy & laBarbara posing next to a manikin and finally, a nice character created by Gulliver63 for an upcoming fanfic he is writing, Amy Wrong (BTW, a great name in my opinion).

The last artist of the night is kik0thek1ller, and I've added her last image that features Amy Wong in a quite cool style, kinda retro, kinda more comic (and dedicated to a friend of here named DMajorBoss) that you don't wanna miss. Enjoy and read you soon!
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