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by JavieR / June 5, 2011 / 15:52
Back from being away because of a flu, nut not completely if you are a fan on facebook or following @slurmed on twitter. Today, I've many stuff to add to the site, that I don't know where to begin.

Scary Door - The Movie by Gulliver63I'm going to start with some fan comics.. sounds cool right. The first 2 ones were created by Gulliver63 and feature as the main theme... The Scary Door. I really like this Twilight Zone parody, because you can create unthinkable normal situations and make them also funny. The comics feature 2 Scenes of The Scary Door - The Movie: Delivery to a Quiet Town and The After Hours.. check them out!

Another artist today with a new comic is Alanquest, and he created a mini Futurama comic #1 called Fry's Ball, that features Leela and Fry in a quick funny situation.

Cute Amy by SuperPrincessPinkWhat else for today... let me see, oh right.. I've added 6 new images by SuperPrincessPink, featuring a 2 double Fry weird situations, a double headed Fry, Fry with Bucket head, a handmade portrait of Fry, and a very cute portrait of Amy Wong.

Another artist here today is Sof-Sof with her latest 3 images. You'll see an image of Fry and Leela, one of the awesome friendship of Fry and Bender, and Fry as a girl inspired by the preview of the Neutopia episode that will air this June 23.

The final one is Gulliver63 with 18 new images.. many of them parodies like one of Zapp and Leela as Star Trek characters, 2 images of the characters in the Flinstones style, Morgan Proctor as the goddess of efficiency, Leela as a gladiator, Amy as a pink pirate, and many more,, even a Futurama version of the Led Zeppelin IV album. There are also 2 images of the fanfic Amy Wrong, Zapp and Kif as party animals, Amy in anime style and some other more.
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