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by JavieR / December 24, 2011 / 00:11
Welcome back. I'm been dealing with a knee surgery, nothing bad, feels like two gunshots in my leg. TFP (slurmed) has been kinda active on Twitter, Facebook and Google+, so if you want more real-time Futurama info, reach me there while I try to recover from the surgery ASAP.

Futurama Totem by Gulliver63Now, I've plenty of fan stuff to add, and I wanna start with the well known Gulliver63, and a neat number of 30 images I didn't add all this time (sorry..). Many images feature parodies, like Morgan Proctor as an Avatar, Leela with Elmer from Looney Tunes, Planet of the Centaurs, anime and totem style (featured today), The PE crew in Peanuts style and with the Venture Bros., etc. There are also other new interesting old school sci-fi images and covers featuring the Planet Express crew, and more that you've to see to believe.

I've also added the latest images of Leena (aka Leela Kill) and the fanart feature some interesting crossovers of Fry with Tin Tin, and also Leela, Fry and Amy in the showers, 2 great portraits of Leela, and a comic image of bender before and after killing all humans.

Seems 13 is the lucky number today, since I also added 13 new images by SuperPrincessPink, featuring her bright color pop style in her Futurama images. Some situations are kinda estrange featuring the double headed Fry, 3 portraits of Fry in different styles, and some other images she created lately.

Futurama Totem by Gulliver63The final artist of the day is Alanquest and 4 of his images. The 1st two, feature Leela in one, and Cubert + Nibbler + Seymour... bot images featurng the neon style used in some Futurama posters from the SDCC 2011. The other 2 images are fanart made in the sidewalk with chalk.. amazing images both featuring Fry nd Leela, one in an explotion, and the other fighting a brainslug.

I'll try to add a Xmas feature tomorrow, in case you are away, a Merry Red Xmas!
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