Hello. I've been around, not here exactly. It is great for me to include new Futurama fanart from new artists around here. Please welcome
Jennifer Morton (aka PandaJenn) and her first 11 fanarts around here. The images feature (3 of them) her original character (OC) Jenny, a girl from the 20th century just like Fry. There's a portrait of her, one image of Fry making Jenny giggle because she drunk the last can of Slurm, and other one featuring Leela, Fry, Bender,
Andrea (Tammy's OC, chinese like Amy I assume) and Jenny on the beach. There are also some collaborations with other artist you already know, like Bender and Alice (MissFuturama's OC), Fry and Anny (LeenaKill's OC) and the double headed Fry (original by SuperPrincessPink). She created some old fanart back in 1999-2000, like a Xmas Leela, a surfer Fry and neat sketch of Leela. The final one is an image of Jenny crying because of the relationship between Fry and Collen.
I've also added a new short fan comic created also by
Jennifer. This small comic is called
"People treat me different" and features Fry's OC daughter Lucy (by Tastes-Like-Fry) talking about being half-mutant. Talking about comics, I've also added 2 new funny Futurama Mini Comics
#10 and
#11 by
Alanquest + 2 new comics by
Inquisitor-Hein that you don't wanna miss!!!

Another new artist around here is an OC one too. Her name is
Anichysaur64 and she has created plenty images of 2 boys, OC children of Fry and Leela, called Lucas and Felicia. You'll find many images of both kids in different situations alone and whit their parents, like in Easter, playing, and many others. There is also a couple of pics of her human version of Bender, and also some of a crazy romance between Leela and Yancy Fry.