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by JavieR / January 20, 2013 / 17:09
Alice vs. Bender by MissFuturamaDamn I'm lazy.. Ok, I'm lazy but I'm also busy, my work is heavy when the year begins, so that's why I've not updated earlier.

I would like to start with a female human with amazing talent, her name is MissFuturama (Vic). I've added her latest images, no less than 20, featuring many interesting portraits, like Alice Fry in different age stages (kid, teen and adult), also with another OC called Kamy Kroker, and 2 sexy portraits of Amy Wong (for all the amyholics out there). There's an AMy and Bender scene dancing tango, Bender apologizing to Alice, Bender with some hookerbots, adult Alice kissing Bender in his metallic cheek, Leela defending her kid Alice, a shippy picture of Fry kissing Leela, Alice aiming Bender, and even Leela caughting adult Alice with Zapp. There are also images of OCs by other people, like Anny and Kamy, even Invader Zim with his new robot slave... Bender, and even more great Futurama fanart for you to enjoy!

Another artist around here once again is SuperPrincessPink, featuring 20 of her fun images, including original characters and unusual situations. LeenaKill it is also around here, LeenaKill with 15 images, many featuring an OC Anny and even a graffiti of "Bender is great" that looks really neat if you ask me.

Brained Alive by AlanquestThe final artist of the day is Alanquest. He has created 11 new fanart images, featuring very Futurama like ideas, like "War is the H-Word" scenario (with Fry, Lee Lemon, Bender, Zapp and Kif), Zodberg as a female with a yellow dress, a Neanderthal girl from episode "Fun on a Bun", a Clobberella pose, the Little Planet Express Crew (Chibi like), some pencil and final characters posing, a Fry Slurm Loco meme and finally, featured today, the "Brained Alive" scene that features the some of the Planet Express crew watching Hermes and Professor Farnsworth buried in the sand with brainslugs.

So, that's all for today, I really hope to update here more frequently. Have fun, and remember that slurmed.com is around on Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest and Google+ with the latest Futurama arts and news.
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