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SINCE 1999, MADE IN ECUADOR » flag of ecuador
by JavieR / September 17, 2000 / 20:35
You saw the title, I fixed the BenderAmp. It has better quality (hopefully), and new buttons. In fact, I'm going to fix some of the old skins because I made them when I didin't had a good graphics program. I also added two new scans, check them out please. If a can't update in the next days, don't worry. bye.
by JavieR / September 14, 2000 / 17:11
Today I've updated the section with less content in the site, the futurama signs... You will see two new signs clicking here. I also uploaded one new stamp. That's all. [stop reading here]
by JavieR / September 11, 2000 / 14:41
Yes, the Futurama Museum was updated, I've added The Futurama Archive, is not down but it has not updated since 24.06.2000. The Futurama Elite that is abandoned and some buttons of other sites. Jason B. found the screenshot of "The Futurama Skins" site. that's it.. and keep voting in the poll, Do you like the new design? (I mean this one)... Hey, if PD (Cartucho) read this, I would like to know if he is alive. bye
by JavieR / September 9, 2000 / 13:03
The HermesAmp is now available to download, just go to the skins section, or if you want to download the skin, click here. The Futurama Museum will be updated in the next week, so, come back later...bye
by JavieR / September 7, 2000 / 20:02
I made some stuff when the site was down for a week. I uploaded three new scans, all of them of nibbler. I also added one new stamp. The HermesAmp is almost done and it could be here this saturday.
by JavieR / September 5, 2000 / 10:48
Well, the new design is fine, but there's something wrong here... the poll, I forgot to reset the votes of the past one, but don't worry because the problem is solved, so you can vote again, clicking here
by JavieR / September 3, 2000 / 19:13
So, do you like the new design that I made? contact me here. This new design, as you can see, has new colors and it's more organized. With the left menu in all the pages it's more quick and simple and you can click in the top logo if you want to go back to this Main Page. I was bored of the green color so I decided to improve TFP in this way. I don't know how this page looks in Netscape so sorry if someone find some errors... The poll, below in the menu, has now a page, the new question is, Do you like the new design? GA clicking here. I added two new pics in the scans section and soon the HermesAmp will be here, you can see a preview of the main skin if you go to the skins section. Bye
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