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SINCE 1999, MADE IN ECUADOR » flag of ecuador
by JavieR / June 28, 2002 / 17:38
So, you haven't seen an update in the past week. I have hardly slept 6 hours every day because I had tests and a damn investigation to finish. Voice of the Many, submitted two Fan Art pics to the Submitted Scans section. The two images features Leela (I like the one at the right). I hope you enjoy that and if you wanna send your fan art or scans just email me to slurmsoda@hotmail.com
by JavieR / June 20, 2002 / 10:50
Now, this is not an update with new stuff, but I've just made a new support button. So if you wanna support TFP, you can do it, just choose a button in the support section. bye.
by JavieR / June 17, 2002 / 20:36
ok, ok. I've made three new Futurama Stamps (I haven't updated that section in a long time). You can see one at the right featuring Bender, and there's two more in the stamps section that features the Planet Express Spaceship. Ok, I'm done for today. CU
by JavieR / June 9, 2002 / 20:53
I'm not a lucky person. I've been without my Internet Connection for 4 days and had a lot of exams this week. I'm sad because Ecuador lost the second match of the World Cup 2002 with Mexico 2-1. But today, even when I have a lot to do, I made three new scans from different episodes, you can see Fry, and the other two features Leela and Elzar. Not everything is bad, today I'll watch the Futurama 4th Season :)
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