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SINCE 1999, MADE IN ECUADOR » flag of ecuador
by JavieR / November 27, 2002 / 10:53
Yes, I know, not to many updates. Today I had a test that let me without brain cells. The important is that I'm back and I've finished a new Fry wallpaper from the last episode "Jurassic Bark". You'll find the same resolutions, JPG and BMP format. enjoy twice.
by JavieR / November 21, 2002 / 23:49
Let's see... I was supposed to have a test this past Wednesday but now I'm going to have it at Friday 29th. I made two new scans. There's one of Seymour (Fry's 20th Century Dog), from the last episode "Jurassic Bark" and another from the episode "Crimes of the Hot".
by JavieR / November 17, 2002 / 23:38
Ok. I've not updated the site in 8 days. The reason was this computer, that I had to repair because it was very stupid. I had no sound, no printer, and I had some problems with DirectX. I'm trying to setting up all the programs and stuff I had, I think that it's OK now. I added a new stamp from the first episode of the 5th season..."Crimes of the Hot".
by JavieR / November 8, 2002 / 12:06
Hello again. I've been working in a new Wallpaper. This one, as you can see, it's about the D.O.O.P. Spaceship, The Nimbus. I uploaded the two JPG resolutions (800x600 and 1024x768) and the ZIP File with 2 BMP files (same resolutions).
This update is over.
by JavieR / November 5, 2002 / 07:37
Ok. There's a new Fan Art by Unca Dave. This image shows a different way to celebrate Thanksgiving Day. In other news, I am surrounded of ash from the volcano "El Reventador" (The Exploder or The Smasher), that it's about 96 Kilometers (59.65 Miles) from Quito (where I live), that erupted the past sunday.
by JavieR / November 2, 2002 / 22:22
Yesterday I was checking the Guestbook and I found this message:

From: Aidan
Comments: I really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really like your site it is the best but i was wondering if i could plz use one of you old layouts plz kepp up the good work

I would like to know and Email or something if you (...Aidan...) want me to let you use one of my old layouts. I also have a new Budd. It's a german site called Futurama Now. Bye and Happy "Día de los Difuntos".
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