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SINCE 1999, MADE IN ECUADOR » flag of ecuador
by JavieR / February 28, 2003 / 15:44
I'm going to Cotacachi - Ecuador for a little vacations so don't expect any updates this weekend. Obviously, that's why I made this update. There's a new section and is called Fan Videos. There's one fan video made by Kevin Carrico that shows Bender been assembled by a Mechanic Arm (..his Mom..) that I think you'll love, but you'll need DivX codec to watch it first.
by JavieR / February 27, 2003 / 09:41
As you can see there's a new artist in the Submitted Scans section. This time, Bofr@, webmaster of Futuramapix (german site) and creator of some Futurama 3D Images (check February 18th, 2003 update) sent me a lot of scanarts to upload so there you go 16 new scans of Bender, other robots and misc aliens of the series.
by JavieR / February 26, 2003 / 21:57
Ok. Another update with content made by myself. I thought I had a lot of spare time but I've been busy with some U stuff (my vacations are nearly over).
As you can see, I've made four new bookmaks. One features Amy eating a Watermelon from the episode "A Taste of Freedom". There's another featuring Leela in Lingerie, one of the Planet Express Delivery Ship and the last one features Bender's Head.
Have fun.
by JavieR / February 25, 2003 / 23:06
I asked Kevin Carrico (The person that made those great Bender 3D Images) if he could send me those pictures in the 1024x768 resolution and that's why today I've added two new Wallpapers, both featuring Bender with the same characteristics that the 3D images uploaded at February 22th
by JavieR / February 23, 2003 / 20:39
Damn. Another website in the Futurama Web Museum. this time is Planet Express DK, and not because the webmaster decided to close the site but because FOX Lawyers sent to Anders Gissel a Cease & Decease Letter requesting to remove, VCD Covers, images, comics and many other stuff. Let's hope those C&D Letters don't appear in any other Webmaster email
by JavieR / February 22, 2003 / 19:42
This is simply amazing, I'm amazed, that's because Kevin Carrico sent me two excellent Bender 3D images. The first one features a Bender close up smoking a Cigar and the other features Bender with a cigar holding a bottle of beer in one hand and a Playbot magazine in the other. I have to say that this is one of the best 3D Bender I've ever seen in all this time and it's great to have it here.
by JavieR / February 20, 2003 / 09:26
Ok, lets see. I've uploaded three new bookmarks made by Unca Dave from The Turanga Pages. Two of them featuring Leela in different clothes and one of Amy with a pink outfit. I also fixed some errors in the Character Bios section thanks to Josh Sexton.
by JavieR / February 19, 2003 / 20:33
So, I made a mistake. I had another bunch of scanarts made by Lee Roberts to upload today but I also found some scans that i didn't uploaded and that were in the same zip file that Lee sent me and that I uploaded at February 17th, so I added those scanarts today. You'll find scans featuring Nibbler, Fry, Leela, of course Nibbler, Dr. Zoidberg and even Morbo.
by JavieR / February 18, 2003 / 20:29
This is great, there's a new artist in the 3D images section. Bofr@ bring us directly from Germany seven Bender 3D images. Some of them are weird but WTH. You can see one of Bender wearing a wig, and you'll find others like Bender with a Dinosaur!, Black and White Bender, Bender wearing a Raincoat, Bender riding a Horse! and some others.
by JavieR / February 17, 2003 / 12:57
I've finally made something by myself in a long time. I worked hard on this one and I think it's pretty good. It's the Planer Express Spaceship. I upload it as a wallpaper and with some nice stars in the back. Like all my wallpapers, you'll find the 800x600, 1024x768 and the Zip file with the same screen resolutions. I also uploaded ten new scanarts by Lee Roberts like the Leela scanart that you're watching right now. The other scans feature Fry, Leela and a lot of Bender mixtures with other "Futurama" & "The Simpsons" characters like Amy, Fry, Leela, March Simpson, Homer Simpson, and even a Kodos-Leela kinda weird scan.
by JavieR / February 15, 2003 / 20:21
Here we go again. One of the reasons of the frequent updates (that sometimes are not so frequent) it's because I'm finally with some vacations (about two weeks) after I finished all the final exams that I had :S. Of course you'll see nice stuff made by myself very soon.
I've uploaded two great bookmarks made by Paul A. Metcalfe from The Futurama Scan Art Central. The first one features Amy in a nice swimsuit and the other, with the same style featuring Leela in a futuristic bikini. I think both bookmarks were based in the 2003 Futurama Calendar, but anyway, good job.
End of Transmission
by JavieR / February 14, 2003 / 11:08
A second update in the same day, what's going on!. I found a new Valentine's scanart from Sean Blendon and I decided to post it today because there's no point uploading a Valentine's art, after Valentine's Day. BTW, coincidence or not, this is the Fourteenth (14th) scanart that Sean submitted to this site.

This is weird. I mean...I, updating TFP every day. I just wanna say thanks to all the artists that submit their scanarts to this site. New scans by Lee Roberts featuring Leela, Amy, a lot of Fry (as you can see), Bender, Zapp and even Dr. Zoidberg. These scans were supposed to be here earlier, but I accidentally lost the images while I was deleting some hell spam from my email. Happy Valentine's Day.

by JavieR / February 13, 2003 / 16:40
As you can see, I've uploaded an amazing wallpaper made by Tom Marley. The wallpaper features Leela Asleep from the episode "Parasite's Lost" and with the Futurama logo on it. I've added the 800x600 and 1024x768 resolutions. I was at The Leela Zone and like Graham said, close Can't Get Enough Futurama for a while to fight FOX it's not gonna work, but it's gonna hurt CGEF because of the lack of updates the site is having.
by JavieR / February 12, 2003 / 19:03
Paul Metcalfe from The Futurama Scan Art Central sent me an email with some scans and wallpapers to upload. I added 7 scanarts featuring Amy, Leela, Bender & Homer, and Fry. I also added two great wallpapers. One features Fry on Leela's Breasts from the episode "nsane in the Mainframe" and the other features a very nice Amy sunbathing nude on the beach.
by JavieR / February 11, 2003 / 16:56
Hey, I have new submitted stuff from some artists. First, I've added two new 3d images made by eric, both featuring 3D Bender with great quality. I also uploaded 6 new scanarts by Sean Blendon to the Submitted Scans section, featuring Amy with Fry's head, Leela Sexy & Africon Queen, Nibbler napping and Zapp with Leela in the Court. In other news, Futurama Center De has a new design, great and very easy to navigate.
by JavieR / February 9, 2003 / 23:09
Ok. For a second time, S-Chan sent me four new scanarts to my @killbots email, so I didn't get them the day that the scans were sent. So, today I've uploaded and added the art to the S-Chan page. I have to say that those three scans are amazing and with great coloring.
by JavieR / February 7, 2003 / 20:12
Well. Some artists were busy making new scanarts and/or bookmarks. The first one is Lee Roberts. He submitted 9 new scanarts from different characters, including Leela, Amy, Fry, Bender and Kif. He also submitted 8 new bookmarks, most of them made with the scanarts. Another bookmarks were uploaded. One by Unca Dave that features Leela in a "nice" outfit and the other from Tom with Slurm Mackenzie on it.
by JavieR / February 4, 2003 / 08:05
I know, I know. Not a lot of content made by myself. The reasons are the final exams that I've in this and the next week, so I've not been able to create anything new. I've uploaded scanarts from two artists.
The three first were made by S-Chan (a.k.a. Sebastian), he send me those (Leela) scans some days ago to the @killbots.com email that I don't check too much. The Other two scans were made by Sean Blendon, one featuring Kif and the other featuring Leela and Bender.
by JavieR / February 1, 2003 / 21:53
A lot of scanarts submitters lately. This art came from a new artist named Sean Blendon. He made five scans, one of them, that you can see of Bender, and the others featuring Leela, Amy and Fry. Also, Tom submitted a new Bookmark featuring Calculon, from the popular Futurama Soap Opera "All My Circuits".
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